Annual Renewal

Every social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care worker (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) are required by law to keep their registration with the SACSSP in good standing through the timely payment of the prescribed annual fees (annual renewal). Failure to do so means that he or she is not registered and will be removed from the Register (and lose his or her licence to practice his or her profession).

Legal Requirement

Every social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care worker (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) are required by law to keep their registration with the SACSSP in good standing through the timely payment of the prescribed annual fees (annual renewal). Failure to do so means that he or she is not registered and will be removed from the Register (and lose his or her licence to practice his or her profession).

It is the professional and ethical responsibility of each registered social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care worker (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) to pay his or her annual fees before or on the due date.

Clients, service users, employers, other professionals have the right to enquire whether a social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) is in good standing and may request a proof in this regard (e.g. registration card, receipt from the SACSSP, proof of payment to the SACSSP, amongst others).

Annual fees are payable by 1 January.

See Payments for information and the Regulations on the fees payable.


The following persons are exempted from the payment of annual fees in accordance with the Regulations:

Retired social service professionals

A social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) who attains the age of 65 years on or before 31 March of financial year is exempted from the payment of annual fees for the following financial years, but will retain his or her registration status with the SACSSP and is allowed to continue practicing.

Health reason

A social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) may request in writing to be exempted from the payment of annual fees for health reasons for a period of time (one year or more), while retaining his or her registration status. Such a person may not practice his or her profession during the period of exemption.

Not practicing

A social worker, social auxiliary worker, child and youth care workers (professional category), child and youth care worker (auxiliary category) who ceases to or does not practice his or her profession, but wishes to remain registered with the SACSSP while not practicing may apply to exempt from the payment of the full annual fee and only pay 50% of the annual fees applicable for that financial year. Provided that if he or she decided to re-enter his or her profession he or she shall be required to pay the full annual fee for that financial year (the remaining 50%).

See the Regulations relating to the fees payable by social workers, child and youth care workers, social auxiliary workers, auxiliary child and youth care workers, student social workers and student child and youth care workers (Government Notice No 221 published in Government Gazette No 42240 of 22 February 2019) for more information.


37 Annie Botha Ave Riviera
Pretoria 0084

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