International News

International news related to the social service professions falling under the auspices of the SACSSP.

International News

International news related to the social service professions falling under the auspices of the SACSSP is available through the links below.

Current there are now news items. Please consult the links below for general international news.

For international news on SOCIAL WORK visit:

International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW)

International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW)

For international news on CHILD AND YOUTH CARE WORK visit:

International Child and Youth Care Network (CYC-Net)

International Federation of Educative Communities (FICE-International)

For international news on the SOCIAL SERVICE WORKFORCE visit:

Global Social Service Workforce Alliance

Disclaimer: The SACSSP publishes the information on this page as open source public links in the interest of directing registered social service professionals and other stakeholders to a diverse range of sources in support of their professional interests. The SACSSP does not necessarily endorse the organisations or websites published here, neither should it be assumed to.


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