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ThisWeek@Council provides a quick informal update once a week to inform persons registered with Council and stakeholders on the work of Council and the Professional Boards. Click on the link below for a specific edition.

Click on the underlined text to download a document or open a link.


SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 27 May 2024 Child and Youth Care Workers Celebrated

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 3 May 2024 SACSSP Practice Cards 2024

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 25 March 2024 SACSSP Registration outreach in numbers

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 29 February 2024 A Busy January


SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 19 September 2023 Payments, Professionalism and Practice

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 29 August 2023 All in One Week

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 04 August 2023 New Developments@Council

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 02 June 2023 Outreach with a Focus

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 12 May 2023 Feedback on the PBCYCW Summit

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 01 March 2023 Are you licensed to practise?

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 10 February 2023 MOVING FORWARD – Not for Ourselves

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 03 February 2023 Renew Your License to Practice


SACSSP THisWeek@Council 23 November 2022 Exciting News for Child and Youth Care Work

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 7 November 2022 5 Priority Actions in 100 Days

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 21 October 2022 100 Days From Now

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 5 September 2022 March to Pretoria

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 22 July 2022 July at a Glance

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 30 June 2022 Not Just Another Week

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 19 June 2022 #Roadshows in Western Cape for CYCW

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 15 June 2022 New Online Registration System is LIVE

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 4 May 2022 Elect Your Leaders

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 26 January 2022 Renew Your Licence to Practice


SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 2 December 2021 Lead Support Do

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 19 November 2021 CYC Summit – Quick Update

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 7 September 2021 Council at ASASWEI Conference

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 18 August 2021 Registration@Work

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 27 July 2021 #DistrictDevelopmentModel

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 9 July 2021 Council@Work

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 22 June 2021 Appreciating Senior Citizens

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 14 June 2021 Advocates for Change

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 27 May 2021 ETHICS@practise

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 12 May 2021 Last Week’s Summit

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 30 April 2021 Champions of Hope

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 12 April 2021 Well Done!

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 26 March 2021 5 Days Licence to Practise

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 11 March 2021 Nominate your leaders

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 16 February 2021 44 days left to renew

SACSSP ThisWeek@ Council 05 February 2021 A fast-paced start to 2021

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 25 January 2021 A Busy January@Council

SACSSP ThisWeek@Council 18 January 2021 Renew your license to Practice


ThisWeek@Council for previous years are archived as single batches. Click on the link below to download.

2020: SACSSP ThisWeek@Council Archive

2019: SACSSP ThisWeek@Council Archive

If you want to advertise in ThisWeek@Council, please consult the SACSSP’s Rate Card or send an enquiry to


The e-Bulletin is a regular informal communique to social service professionals registered with the South African Council for Social Service Professions and other stakeholders. Click on the link below for a specific edition

Click on the underlined text to download a document or open a link.


SACSSP eBulletin: May 2021

SACSSP eBulletin: March 2021

SACSSP eBulletin: February 2021



SACSSP eBulletin: November 2020

SACSSP eBulletin: August 2020

SACSSP eBulletin: May 2020

SACSSP eBulletin: March 2020

SACSSP eBulletin: February 2020



SACSSP eBulletin: December 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: September 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: August 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: July 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: June 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: April 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: March 2019

SACSSP eBulletin: February 2019

If you want to advertise in the eBulletin, please consult the SACSSP’s Rate Card or send an enquiry to


Council’s Newsletter is published biannually and is part of Council more formal communication to persons registered with Council and stakeholders. Click on the link below for a specific edition.


Newsletter 1 of 2022


Newsletter 1 of 2019


Newsletter 1 of 2018


Newsletter 1 of 2017

Newsletter 2 of 2017

If you want to advertise in the Newsletter, please consult the SACSSP’s Rate Card or send an enquiry to


International Child and Youth Care Week


World Social Work Days



Photos in this section are the property of the South African Council for Social Service Professions and protected by copy right law. If you wish to use any of the images please obtain permission from the South African Council for Social Service Professions by sending an email with your request to


37 Annie Botha Ave Riviera
Pretoria 0084

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(+27) 012 356 8300